Welcome to Licking County Library

The Collective

The Collective is a dynamic and engaging space to showcase our communities as well as broader themes of art, history and science. Located at LCL’s Downton Newark location, we invite you to visit this space to experience something new.


Hobbit Door


Tolkien Celebration
March 3 - 26


For Tolkien Reading Day, we honor the legendary J.R.R. Tolkien by celebrating his remarkable life and literary legacy. Held annually on March 25 and organized by The Tolkien Society, this special day marks the moment in his world when the One Ring was destroyed by Frodo and Gollum, leading to the fall of Sauron, the evil Lord of the Rings. This exhibit showcases key milestones from Tolkien's life, offering a deeper look into the creation of his beloved tales of hobbits, elves, and fantastical realms. Discover the stories behind some of the most cherished works in literary history.




Call for Artists

Call for Artists: Mental Health Month Art of Recovery Exhibit
Submissions accepted now through April 4


Licking County Library and the Mental Health & Recovery Board of Licking and Knox Counties invite artists who have been personally affected by mental health challenges, such as depression, anxiety or other conditions, to submit artwork for a special exhibit.

This joint exhibition seeks to elevate the voices of those with lived experience through creative expression, fostering understanding and reducing stigma in our community. Click here for submission details. 




Arabian Nights illustration


Literary Fairy Tales
April 1 - 28


Discover the magic and enchantment of fairy tales through an exhibit featuring some of the most famous collections of literary fairy tales from around the world. Oral fairy stories about dragons, elves, giants, trolls, unicorns, witches and wizards go back thousands of years in every culture. Literary collections of these tales brought them to a wider audience and established them as part of our collective human experience.

May through September: Explore fairy tales in a truly magical setting at the Wildflower Fairy Trail, an enchanted forest at Licking Park District's Infirmary Mound Park: 4351 Lancaster Road, Granville, Ohio.