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Print Motivation

Print Motivation

Print Motivation is a child's interest in and enjoyment of books. A child with strong print motivation enjoys being read to, plays with books, pretends to write and asks to be read to. Children who enjoy books and reading will be curious about reading and motivated to learn to read for themselves. Encourage print motivation in your child by making shared book reading a special time, keeping books accessible and letting your child see that you enjoy reading. Fun ways to learn print motivation:

  • Use funny voices and gestures while reading with your child.

  • Stop (or shift gears) when it is no longer fun. Length of time is not important. Having fun is!

  • Have a comfortable area to share reading time together.

  • Read while your child is playing with blocks, cars, puzzles, etc.—they’ll still be soaking up all that rich language while keeping their hands busy!

  • Trips to the library are fun, motivational and FREE!